
First Time Buyers Guide To Damp
Buying a new home is an exciting time, especially if it's your first property. However, it's important to take the process seriously to ensure that the property you intend to purchase is in a safe state. When buying a property, you will always have a survey produced by either your mortgage provider or external body.…...

Everything You Need To Know About Condensation
Condensation is not uncommon. In fact, most people have experienced some form of in their home at one point of another, especially during winter. Did you know that 1 in 5 UK homes suffer from condensation problems? Perhaps not, but you do now. However, when you discover how condensation occurs, it makes sense. What is…...

Is Damp Bad For Your Heath?
If your home has damp, you know it’s a problem and one that, unfortunately, some people ignore until it’s too late and they’re left with not only a home with structural issues, but large and costly repairs too. However, most homeowners take damp seriously and proceed to seek the help of a damp proofing specialist…...

How To Identify Signs of Woodworm In Your Home
What is woodworm? Woodworm essentially refers to the larvae of any wood-boreing beetle. In the UK, the most common are the Common Furniture Beetle, the Deathwatch Beetle, the House Longhorn Beetle & the Powderpost Beetle. All of these species of beetle invade and consume wood, and then leave. Woodworm can have a disastrous effect on…...

Timber Decay: What To Look Out For
What Causes Timber Decay? Timber decay is when wood is affected by conditions that cause it to deteriorate, such as damp. This can then, as a result, lead to fungal infestation such as dry rot, or even insect attacks such as woodworm. There are two main types of timber decay that can become a problem…...

How NOT To Prevent Condensation In Your Home
What IS Condensation? Condensation is possibly the most common form of dampness you can find in your home, and occurs when warm, moist air meets a cold surface. This is why people often see condensation on their windows and it is often found in both kitchens and bathrooms, where ventilation can be restricted. Condensation, although…...

How To Spot Signs Of Damp In Your Home
Damp proofing your home is vital Did you know damp can be a serious health risk? Contrary to popular belief, damp might not always be obvious to spot in your home. In a lot of instances, it can actually take a number of years before any damp-related problems become physically visible around your home. Damp…...

Epoxy Resin Repairs: Revitalise Your Woodwork
Damaged woodwork? Repairing damaged woodwork can be a costly and messy endeavour, leaving you with a large bill to pay and a headache to match! However, it is not always necessary to fully remove and replace woodwork in order to make a sturdy, safe and eye-pleasing repair. Repairs by this method are typically seen in…...

What is Condensation Control?
Condensation Issues? It has been reported that around 70% of problems associated with damp in the home are as a result of condensation, however few are aware that condensation is the problem, instead blaming it on issues such as rising or penetrating damp. Condensation occurs when there is a considerable imbalance between heating and ventilation…...

Create extra space with Basement Waterproofing
Avoiding your Basement? The basement area of a home is often a neglected space, used for storing odds and ends or maybe the home for a washing machine. It is also an area of the home that is highly susceptible to damp, meaning that it is impractical for day-to-day use. However, with a quality waterproofing…...

Dry Rot – What you need to know
The wood destroying fungus Serpula Lacrymans, commonly known as dry rot, is seen all over the world. It can be devastating; destroying timber wherever conditions are perfect for it to thrive. Although it is seen in nature destroying trees in forests and woods, where it is a particular concern is in your home. This article…...

Woodworm: the truth behind this household pest
What are Woodworms? Woodworm is the term applied to the infestation of a wooden item with the wood boring larvae from a range of species of beetle. There are many species of beetle known to be the cause of woodworm infestations worldwide, however the most commonly seen variety in Scotland is the Common Furniture Beetle.…...

Identifying & Tackling Damp in Your Property
Discovering you have damp in your property can be quite a worrying situation, as it can cause not only structural problems within the property itself if not adequately treated, but in some cases it can actually become hazardous to the health of you and your loved ones. The three most common forms of damp are…...